Friday, December 14, 2007

Balloons and Bubbles Make Life Happy!

Balloons and bubbles are children’s choice. However, all the grown up love to see and enjoy the balloons and bubbles as they always wish to enjoy life as innocent children!

Single Balloons!

We have seen single balloons of smaller sizes that are just held by hands and blown with air from our mouth to make them oval or round shaped inflated balloons. This is a simple air filled single color or multicolor rubber balloon that is tied at its mouth by twisting it or with a cotton thread.

Long Twist able balloons!

We have seen some balloons grow in length when blown up and turn into knots of miniature balloons when twisted. This is again made into small animal like balloon toys with head, body and tail with ears. You can simply draw eyes, nose and mustaches for a cat or a dog on the balloon-toy animal.

Balloons with different shape size and colors:

There are now very many number of balloons available in different sizes, shapes and colors to combine them for making different creatures, flower bouquets and balloon arches. It is left to imagination and skill of the artist who wishes to decorate the premises with the balloons and accessories. There are companies that make such arrangements to decorate the location with their own inspirations.

Balloon Decorators!

Balloon decorations for weddings, parties, corporate events are most welcome features in making the assembly of people happy! They make big size arches and decorative bouquets with balloons and accessories like ribbons, paper and plastic flowers. Lighting of balloons outside and even inside is also a unique experience in illumination of the eventful area in the evenings.

Balloon Professional Companies!

The balloons’ business has steadily grown into professional companies today. Now they mainly specialize in weddings, parties and corporate events; Balloons and Bubbles can transform any event from a plain, dull and boring hall or hotel room into a breath taking, inspiring and enjoyable venue. These are all made at an affordable price, but with that admiring WOW factor.

You know, kids and balloons are like bread and jam, a perfect combination in the fore ground of the location.

Balloon twisting:

Skilled balloon artists can quickly create colorful balloon figures. They display "menu boards" that show pictures of all the available creations. By mixing in specialty balloons and unusual shapes, balloon artists will impress children and people around with their unique designs. Their turbo-charged balloon pump speeds up the inflation process, which greatly reduces the waiting time in line.

Balloon twisting into head gears is a perfect add-on to face masking and body painting for boys. To add up with balloons, magical soap and glycerin bubble shows combine nicely with body tattooing to make young girls happy children in the event!

Balloon twisters make the event a wonderful show as they are fast, fun, and friendly!

The organizer’s educational and interactive bubble show will delight and entertain all the guests. Single bubbles, bubbles inside of bubbles, heaps of bubbles go on and on into varieties of bubbles-they never stop!


A bubble is a spherical mass of gas surrounded by a liquid or solid.

Soap bubbles are shaped by equilibrium between their outward air pressure and the inward surface tension of the soap film.

The detergent molecules tend to line up with one end pointing inward and the other outward, making the liquid surface more stable. The thickness of the soap film layer is due to these detergent molecules and is uniform for all size bubbles. Colors are seen because of the light diffraction through the soap film.

Bubbles as balls square and in different shapes!

The bubble shows can stimulate everyone's critical thinking skills by demonstrating how to hold a bubble in your hand, bounce a bubble like a volley ball, and make a square bubble. Most of the bubbles makers are made with ordinary household items that will make amazing bubbles of all sizes.

Amazing, magical bubble show:

The Bubble Show is best performed in indoors. The bubbles get bigger and bigger and bigger! At the end of the show, you can make a giant bubble, big enough to put someone inside! It's good clean great fun!

Making balloon animals is easy and fun.

What you need for your Balloon Animals:
one long skinny balloon for each animal you want to make (You can buy these balloons at a craft store.)
a bike pump to blow up the balloon, or someone at your house who is really good at blowing up balloons.

Where to buy Balloons and Bubbles in India on line?

There are some special shops and places where yo could buy balloons in cities like Mumbai, Delhi,Calcutta, Pune and Chennai.

Very recently on line trade of balloons are also launched so that you can by from home leisurely. You can see varieties and colors too on the on line shops and place an order.

For which you can search and find through the search engine:

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